2-1-remove-dups Algorithm

The 2-1-remove-dups algorithm is a technique used to eliminate duplicate elements from a singly linked list. This algorithm is particularly useful in situations where the linked list is unsorted, and the task is to remove duplicate elements while preserving the original order of the elements in the list. The main idea behind this algorithm is to iterate through the list while maintaining two pointers, one for the current element and the other for comparing the current element with the rest of the elements in the list. In this way, the algorithm can effectively identify and remove duplicate elements from the list in a single pass. The 2-1-remove-dups algorithm starts by setting the first pointer (current) at the head of the list and the second pointer (runner) at the next element. The algorithm then iterates through the list by comparing the current element with the runner element. If a duplicate is found, the algorithm removes the duplicate element by updating the next pointer of the previous element to point to the next element after the duplicate. The runner pointer then advances to the next element, continuing the comparison process until it reaches the end of the list. Once the runner reaches the end of the list, the current pointer is advanced to the next element, and the process is repeated until the current pointer reaches the end of the list. This ensures that all duplicate elements are removed, and the original order of the unique elements is preserved.
 * Cracking the coding interview edition 6
 * Problem 2-1 : Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list.
 * Approach 1 : Naive approach of iterating and remove all further duplicates of current node.
 * 							Space complexity O(1) & time complexity O(n^2)
 * Approach 2: Use a hash table, space complexity O(n), time complexity O(n)

#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <random>

struct Node {
	int data = 0;
	Node * next = nullptr;

 * [insert - insert a node at the head of list]
 * @param head [head of the list]
 * @param data [new node's data]
void insert( Node * & head, int data )
	Node * newNode = new Node;
	newNode->data = data;
	newNode->next = head;
	head = newNode;

 * [printList Helper routine to print list]
 * @param head [head of the list]
void printList( Node * head ) {
	while( head ) {
		std::cout << head->data << "-->";
		head = head->next;
	std::cout << "nullptr" << std::endl;

//generate a random int between min and max
 * [random_range helper routine to generate a random number between min and max (including)]
 * @param  min [min of range]
 * @param  max [max of range]
 * @return     [A random number between min and max]
static inline int random_range(const int min, const int max) {
	std::random_device rd;
	std::mt19937 mt(rd());
	std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(min, max);
	return distribution(mt);

// Method 1
//space complexity O(1)
// time complexity O(n^2)
 * [removeDuplicates Remove duplicates without using extra space]
 * @param head [head of list]
void removeDuplicates( Node * head ) {
	if ( head == nullptr || ( head && (head->next == nullptr))) {
	Node * curr = head;
	while(curr) {
		Node * runner = curr;
		while (runner->next != nullptr) {
			if (runner->next->data == curr->data) {
				runner->next = runner->next->next;
			} else {
				runner = runner->next;
		curr = curr->next;

// Method 2
// space complexity - O(n)
// time complexity - O(n)
 * [removeDuplicates1 - Remove duplicates from the list using hash table]
 * @param head [head of list]
void removeDuplicates1( Node * head ) {
	if ( head == nullptr || ( head && (head->next == nullptr) )) {
		return ;
	std::unordered_map<int, int> node_map;
	Node * prev = head;
	Node * curr = head->next;
	node_map[head->data] = 1;
	while( curr != nullptr ) {
		while (curr && node_map.find(curr->data) != node_map.end()) {
			curr = curr->next;
		prev->next = curr;
		prev = curr;
		if (curr) {
			node_map[curr->data] = 1;
			curr = curr->next;

int main() {
	std::cout << "Method 1 : \n";
	Node * head = nullptr;
	for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
		insert(head, random_range(1,7));

	std::cout << "Method 2 : \n";
	Node * head1 = nullptr;
	for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
		insert(head1, random_range(1,7));
	return 0;